10 July 2012


While on hiatus, two Unfortunates have successfully lived 365 more days beyond their previous anniversaries of entering this world.

CrazyOne despite dire predictions and warnings by me, that she will not live to see the next day, let alone the next birthday if she continued with the lack of cerebral engagement... managed to survive.
Something kicked in gear, thus we were blessed and excited to celebrate the beginning of another new year for my Baby Girl.
This one is extra special--tis the last year she will be in the single digits, Oooo... Happy Birthday CrazyOne

Now my other Baby Girl she is officially in Toddlerhood. It is fun and funny, I forgot exactly how much you cannot take yourself too seriously--toddler's are uncontested pro's at beating that notion out of you. Cinnabun has arrived and is NOT leaving the building, her sisters shall kowtow and Momma shall give serious stare till unvoiced compromise is negotiated. Happy Birthday Cinnabun

CrazyOne chose a lemon box cake with homemade dark chocolate frosting. Cinnabun does not like cake, or to much of a fan of cookies; however she love's ice cream and jello. We opted to fix her jello--easier for a toddler to eat over ice cream.

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