25 April 2008

Japan or Bust!

Salutations Family and Friends!

Here it is, just as I said I would (drum roll please...): My blog.
I shall consistently update it and I would be tickled pink to have you along for the ride of me and my family's Mutiny Sublime.

Really quick, cause I have to get some sleep. Hubby should be arriving in Japan in just a few hours. Me and the girls will be showing up Saturday US time, Sunday in Japan. When I am not wishing that I have had more than 16hr of sleep in 4 days, you will get the gouge on all that has transpired so far: excitement, frustration, love, anger, hope, betrayal, happiness, sadness... it has been, it has been. I am too tired to not watch my tongue. So I will stop now and just say that despite what we have been through in the past 4 days, things are finally coming together.

God help us all.


Unknown said...

What, no sex to mingle with the everything else that's going on, not fair!

Imperviouschild said...

Lol!!! That would mean that we had a chance to enjoy ourselves, and the Navy wouldn't want that to happen now would they?

Unknown said...

*Cracks whip......Mistress says, "It's not about enjoying ones self, it's all about the undulterated, selfish, give-me give-me make me cum thrill!

Imperviouschild said...

Oooo, I do like the sound of that, and could I have a whip too? I think I could get Sailor man to play.

Michelle said...

Hey Heyyyyy

I got here!


It's Crow... or in this case, it's Michelle of the blog (yeah I blog!) "Crow's Feet". You'll get the joke in that title more than any of my regular bloggers. ;-)

So good to find you (((imp))), but sorry to hear you've been moved around the world again.

Now I'm going to go browse your blog.