12 September 2008

"Food, Glorious Food!" (amended)

"Don't care what it looks like -- Burned! Underdone! Crude! Don't care what the cook's like. Just thinking of growing fat -- Our senses go reeling One moment of knowing that Full-up feeling!" You know that feeling, when you are hungry--truly feel hungry and not just 'cause you're bored, or unsettled to a degree or so--fast food won't do, even frozen fast food? Yeah, you know what I am talking about; Oliver and his orphaned mates certainly knew: home cooked food. That is what I try to do for 90% of our 19 meals (3 daily Monday-Friday; 2 daily Saturday and Sunday, unless we have to be up early). {this is the amended part: Of each meal prepared, 70-90% of it is home made. For an example, one of the Unfortunate's favorite meals: Hilshire's Beef Little Smokies, rice and spinach. I cook the rice, and saute the fresh spinach to go with it. Yes, you read right, the Unfortunates do like spinach--if it is sauted or baby spinach mixed in with salad.} All meals in this home--regardless of preparation time--excluding Friday and Saturday nights, must fulfill the Trinity: fruit/vegetable, carbohydrate, protein. Of the 14 snacks in a full week, the snack needs to be fruit/vegi and/or homemade, or if it is processed, then the other half of that snack must be fruit or vegi. Let me tell you, it is a FRACKIN challenge and there are times I wonder if I am out of my FRICKIN mind?! ~~in through the nose~~out through the mouth~~ Yet despite it all, I know over half the battle is mental, as in anything truly challenging. No, I do not spend over half my day cooking, and nothing near a half of either. I am not Mrs. Clever. I was inspired to put my culinary ventures here since I was tired of emailing them--yeah, I don't email well either--and I can put up a FEW pictures for the visual learners too. The label for these postings is Epicurean Delight. They won't be much, so don't go looking for a 4 star or higher grade of cooking. Mostly I prefer easy, fast, and hot--preparation and cooking wise, you gutter-minded creatures! I hope it inspires you to fool around and get messy in the kitchen--hmm... (sorry, my mind wandered--yes again) Its lots of fun and has an easy learning curve. Ya'just might find it satisfying and fulfilling... Okay, I am going now!

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