12 October 2009

Jr Slash N Dash Biathlon 2009

It was that time of year again, where school is about to start and the summer activities comes to an end. 15 August, both of My Ladies participated in MWR's (moral welfare recreation) junior biathlon, called, The Splash N Dash. The CrazyOne was VERY stoked that she was now the magic age of participation:6.

Her and her sister were all a-buzz over it. They did very well. CrazyOne didn't really care where she placed all that was important was that she beat two boys. EldestOne finished according to other parents finished in the third or fourth, but officially was noted for coming in ninth. The record keeper was hotly contested by most of the parents due to the fact that she was not only keeping score

--which was nearly impossible with the amount of participants and the two separate places the whole event took place in--but she was also multi tasked in running the event while each age group began and finished. I have no idea how many people complained: I know I did. It wasn't that Eldest didn't officially place but that the organization and running of the event was very shoddy.

Alright, I am finished, hope you like the pictures. I tried to get both girls for each event but it was hard one they started the 9-11 year old group while the 6-8 year old group was just starting the run. It was fun cheering my head off though!

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