26 April 2010


I have been able to eat nearly all that I desire for the past month now and I am reveling in it! Having a stable stomach again is such a joy, it really did bring tears to my eyes when I was finally over being sick by late second trimester. Once again I lifted my voice up in song to join Oliver's Food, Glorious Food ballad (yes, those of you who had not a choice in food depravation will agree with me; it is a ballad). Snack time had me singing with Templeton's, A Veritable Smorgasbord from Charlotte's Web. No, I am not into junk food like that, but I SO related to his euphoria.

Now that my days have been spent off the couch, up and about; I've rejoined right where I left off from in cooking up the eats for all within this house. I have also been working on better vegetarian dishes that keep me happy and can be given to SailorStudMan without lip.

Eating six to eight times a day, isn't exactly my cup of tea, however I find the other choice in the matter; up-chuck whatever is in (usually water) for one minute then dry heave for the next three... to be quite persuasive.
In short, you could say I am consumed by my need for food.

Now, an unexpected surprise to me was Tyler Florence's visit to the Kanto Plain US bases. I have been watching his show every Sunday that AFN had it on. I love how he cooks and it really helped me in continuing in my culinary expansion while keeping it simple. The food Mr. Florence cooks up is great and is definitely up the gastric alley of StudMan. I didn't buy any of his books (the Exchange of course sold out of them in a day), however I got something I think is better; he signed my personal recipe book. Meeting him in person was not a let down like other times I've met famous celebrities (not that I've met many). He was personable and kind, despite looking like jet-lag was kicking his arse and he expanded the signing to another hour so everyone in line got to meet him, which included me! I was grinning stupid for a good two hours after coming back from the event.

So what are the pictures I have before you?
Well, let me tell you.
One of my favorite mini meals is left over couscous, grapes (well they were in season two months ago) and avocado slices sprinkled with salt and pepper. Yes, those are my wedding rings, and no they have no significance to the mini meal I made. I just finished cutting up Sadie's food for the--then--next seven days and I don't like to have anything on my fingers or wrists when cutting up raw meat. No, I don't cook the meat, she eats a prey based diet raw. No veggies, no supplements, just getting my hands on anything and part that my carnivorous canine would naturally eat. We have been using this diet for the past 4 years. She is doing very well!

The next meal is firm tofu, kale and polenta (only one the Commissary had was Italian flavored and they don't have the right corn meal to make it there either). I would've loved to have used green onions but I ran out so it is red onion--which wasn't a bed second--and garlic. When adding the members of the allium family to the couscous also add crushed black pepper . The stuff I am poring over the tofu is a mix of lime, olive oil, salt and pepper. The agave nectar was added to the polenta before adding the kale. Once it is all plated, squeeze what is left of the limes on the food and enjoy. I made this with what I had left of kale and then actually had enough to make enough to share with Eldest, it was close, I didn't think there would be enough.
The third meal I made is blood orange bok choy. This was good and I eagerly await for blood orange season next year. Add the vinegar, rice wine, pepper, salt and ground cloves when you add the first half of bok choy. I did use a little extra virgin olive oil when I put the green onions in the pan.

I am going to end this now, there is one more mini meal that I want to share but I didn't get all the pictures I should have. There is far more that I have been thinking about sharing upon this blog... I really need to stop thinking of it and actually do it.
Till then,


Michelle said...

geez, Imp, that grin should come with sunglasses! :-D

Lately I'm going through bored tastebud syndrome - where all your old favourites feel just that... OLD.

Problem is cooking for a family of three fussy adults (and one happy to eat anything "garbage can cat" as we call my dad) is that I need to juggle what I like with what fussy folk #2 and #3 like.

On the plus side hubby is slowly being transformed into an eat anything critter so my range to experiment is expanding! ;-)

Imperviouschild said...

I hear ya on the old food! That is exactly the feeling I am trying to get over at the moment.
The dishes in this post were first created just for me 'cause I was tired of cooking the same 'ol, same 'ol for the Peanut Gallery and wanted to do a little somethin' different.
After fending off the same said folks from my food, they said they wanted some next time I cooked. Thus, I finally got to wiggle in a bit of new in the OLD and tired... well, every so often...
Good Luck and much patience to you: you are going to need it; and may the taste buds and pallet of your peoples continue to expand.

Anonymous said...

GRIN? Heck, i think you got lipstick on your ear lobes ! :D

My wife so envys your meeting Tyler "the son she never had" and wished for mate for our daughter !

(or her, perhaps..lol)

You go, girl!

The dishes here are making me crazy ! come cook for me!


Imperviouschild said...

Thanks Den!!! Thank also for dropping by my place.
(smudging off lipstick from ears)
I have more food I haven't posted yet... just keep a look out.
Hope you wife can meet Tyler, he really is a great person.