06 May 2008

Our OrdMod

Wondering how the family ended up in Japan before the 1 June, when most last saw of me, and I still had a, “few more weeks?” This is our tale, and I shall try to keep this in a few parts (mostly ‘cause I have much else to do). So sit back, send off that last email you have been working on, put YouTube on the back page, grab your computer snack and let me spin you a yard of our suddenly accelerated, journey to my family's new place of residence. 

 The OrdMod. 
 Monterey 10 April: 
 After the Unfortunates and I finished our good night read--me on the air mattress, them on the futon, lights out, my trusty Light Wedge and our good book; The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne. Goodnights already said via phone to Studman (in RI for training), I finished chatting with my mom about her new place and our plans to surprise the girls with our first family vacation (after 9yr of Marital Bliss) that was to be the whole Disney experience--3 days, 2 nights at the hotel in Disneyland--after Studman arrived on the 3 May, Oldest has First Communion on 4th we leave for San Diego the 5th and we do the Disney thing from the 6-9th then we chill and do sight seeing till Studman's final training started 12th. Yeah, I was excited. 11 April, 04:05hr: -Cue in ringing cell phone’s song, O’Mio Babbino.- Me yelling for Oldest to pick up the phone which is RIGHT by her as she plays Princess Peach on her DS. Time is always of essence since Verizon seems to randomly send calls immediately to voicemail after 3-5 seconds. Soprano voice is starting to reach crescendo; "Get the phone!" Still playing Princess Peach, Oldest seems to not have heard a word I said. I mad dash with murderous thoughts, to the couch and just as I reach the phone, it slips off... Suddenly feeling vibrations under head... my eyes pop open and the world is still very asleep. Shit, must get phone before girls wake up. Now the soprano’s really reaching her crescendo, grabbing the phone under pillow I mute it and answer, 

Me: eh-llo? 
Stdmn sounding very sober: Hey Dear, I got some news. 
Me thinking shit, They're sending us to Norfolk: Yes? 
Stdmn: I got an OrdMod. 
Me: Damn-it, they are sending us to Norfolk. 
Stdmn: No, that's what I thought too, but they did change my ship. 
Me: Really? So... we are still going to Japan? 
Stdmn: Yes, we are still going to Japan. 
Me: *sigh of relief since our stuff is already on its way, and we REALLY want Japan* 
Stdmn: The orders are for the Curtis Wilbur now.
Me: Really? It’s still in Japan? So... now what?
Stdmn: I don't know, but the ship has been trying to get a hold of me and the time difference has been a bitch. Right now it is Saturday morning over there and of course no one is around, so we won't know anything really until Sunday-Monday. I did receive word that I need to be there as soon as possible.
Me: Wow! Wow... oh wow... wow... wow. (brain now battles itself out of the fog of sleep) What do we do now?
Stdmn: Well, we wait. I got to get to Admin and change our travel arrangements. I hope I can finish out this school before I have to go. 
Me: Wow, okay... wow. 
Stdmn: Oh, Good morning, sorry I kind of forgot that. 
Me: *lol* What a morning! Well, tell them that we are bringing our dog. We have only one dog now and we are leaving much sooner, we can bring Sadie now with no temperature restrictions. 
Stdmn: Alright I'll get that in too. I got to go now, class is about to start. Call you later.

So, thus began our fast forward to Japan a good month and a half before we were to be there.

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