06 July 2008

Prima Ballerina?

The same day Sailorman came home was the first day of Crazy-one's ballet class. Since she had been asking for this for over a year, I took it as she was really serious about this; therefore, armed with the Eldest Unfortunate's old ballet outfit, I threw her but into the 4-6yr class. She gets to go once a week and she got to be in the same class that her little friend from swim lessons... she's the cutie who is giving pointers on where the foot is to be placed.

I really enjoyed taking pictures of this class, due to the mirror, you can see what is going on in the class and on the faces children.

This was really fun to watch, and I so felt the teacher's plight in keeping all those little feet on the same page. I got to experience that with assisting in the Aikimites class for AOM, it is more like herding cats and she did a great job! Crazy Unfortunate loved the class and can't wait to go again. We are going to look at the Thursday class to see if it is just as good, if so then we might put her in that so she can go twice a week and stop driving me insane with questions and fits of when ballet class will be.

The pictures are in the order of the day; eating a little snack while walking to the class here on base, then the class itself, and last--our walk home. What better way to top of a fantastic class? Have your newly-in-port Daddy, on his run, coming down the street after catching some Zzz's!


Unknown said...

I am overwhelmed with pride and aw, seeing the beauty before my eyes in my grand daughter, the "Prima Ballerina". Ma'am-ma loves you dear one!

Unknown said...

Well, well, so my son-in-law has set foot on solid ground no wonder I haven't heard from my daughter *Grinz.....
Not bad sailorman, you look great! Love, hugges and kisses.

Imperviouschild said...

Don't they all look good?! Now they're giving me a run for my money--now I really have to keep fit or be run down by my active family!

Unknown said...

Hey Girlie - Sure miss you and the princesses. Things are just so quiet.. it's eerie.
We did the Obon Festival demo today - it went pretty well.
My niece Julie just finished a whirlwind visit, and of course that meant going to the beach... she went to Wild Things with her Mom - lions, and tigers, and bears... REALLY! She was most impressed.
Wish you were here...
Love you guys.

Imperviouschild said...

AIKIMICH!!!! You posted! I should send you something for being the second person ever to post a comment. Oooo the Obon Fest, happy it went well; and then to have had been graced with that cutie Julie. Glad she had a great time with the Lions, Tigers and Bears--Oh my! We miss you lots. Tell your Lady we miss her bunches too.

Anonymous said...

I think she's ready for Broadway.