03 July 2008

Who's That Guy?

Is it bird? Is it a plane? No, kids; it is Sailorman! (a.k.a.: Sailor-Studman, Studman, and Manthing-Loveslave) Yes, folks he is home and early at that too. Navy deemed his ship worthy to come back to home port early, yea!!! So Monday, 30 June, me and the girls--after being called twice by two different friends whose menfolk are also on the ship, regarding the ship's return that morning--got all gussied up quick like, downed breakfast, then went trolling for that sailor to bring home for mamma! Granted it did take good 15mins of constant driving around the piers before finding a spot (I tried keep my cursing under the breath about just parking at the Fleet Rec parking garage and made it to the far-fetched pier) Fortunately for Sailorman, we found one first before getting the chance to spot some sweet looking thing--I ment before being momentarily distracted by some-other so-called sailor who looked as if he needed a ride; 'cause by then, I was ready to chuck the whole meeting the ship out the window. And here is the rest of it. The Gods of SW must have sensed that I was about to bail and low and behold there was a spot, not quite legal, yet not exactly illegal.

By time we make it to the pier, everyone is inside the tin cup (a.k.a. The Other Woman, the ship) and we are escorted inside to the messdeck on board. We waited, and waited, and waited; then realization dawned on me that I never told anyone on board that we were there. Sailorman, thankx to the job he has, is one of the last to get off the ship; which is somewhat of a repeat of his last job while here, so we often didn't meet up with him till he called us to pick him up from the pier; however, due to this being the first time since being here the ship has pulled in... so this was a big day for us all and Studman came looking for us. Spotting him first I tell the girls, "look there's Daddy!" They look right at the man, "Right there... he's walking right this way." They still stare, then finally it registers--THAT is Daddy! Yes, they have never seen the man in coveralls and they are still getting use to seeing him 50+lbs less. For when he left us last year for the east coast--while we stayed on the west--he dropped those pounds by becoming a running man, and giving up drinking... he still runs AND he is still sober. How cool is that!?!
Anyway, Unfortunates finally register that it is Studman and with lots of squealing and squeezes we found our Sailor, we are no more a beach det (beach detachment is a group of ship personnel left behind).. but a full ship once again. Yea!!!
The pictures are from my cell phone, I forgot to bring my camera.

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